Friday, December 10, 2010

When will this bitch disappear

Today's rant will be about my period.  The bitch is back; with full force; giving me the worst pain.  I have never been one for period cramps and hardly ever knew what they were like until my first failed IVF.  Then I really experienced pain; things the doctors don't tell you when your cycle fails.  Now I thought I knew pain from that experience until today.  The period cramps after the second IVF are far worse.  It feels like I am having my egg extraction done all over again. 

Since I am dealing with "premature ovarian failure" I am waiting and praying for the day that this bitch will be gone and I know it will happen soon which will be good.  Now that I am dealing and ok with not having any biological children I can't see the reason I would even need it.

So thats the rant.  I am bitchy, bloated and having major pain and the person I want to punch in the face is Aunt Flo.  You suck


1 comment:

  1. She does suck...if I see her...well I might run from her if I see her...but if I do, I'll kick her in the arse for you too...
