Monday, December 6, 2010

Today was the day I knew you were coming

Today's title is in retrospect to everything I have taken in the last 3 days.  The adoption course was fantastic.  I walked out of the course Saturday and felt a weight of years of TTC and my IVF journey disappear.  Another feeling then filled was the feeling that my infertility wasn't a waste but a stepping stone to take the path I was meant to take....a path to adoption. 

And today was the date I knew you were coming dear child.  I don't know when we will meet but I know you are coming and until then I will dream of you and pray for you and get everything ready for you.  This is something I never really knew with IVF it was I hope it ends this way but in no means was it guaranteed.

So one day you may get to read this blog and you can mark it in your lifes journey that today we are connected forever and ever.


  1. WELCOME to BLOGLAND dear friend!! I was stalking you today and noticed you too have started a blog. Best thing I ever did...and beautiful post too. Congrats!

  2. Thanks Lisa :)

    I like being able to just rant and get it off my chest
